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  • 2516 NW 29th Ave, #60
  • Portland, OR, 97210
  • United States

Intuitive Movement with Kathryn Frey

Wednesday May 15 7-8:30pm // Kathryn’s website: HERE

Sliding scale $12-25

Intuitive Movement is designed to help dancers and movers connect with the subtle energies within their bodies through grounding improvisation. Using imaginative guided meditations, participants will explore their bodies' natural impulses and movements, while gaining a deeper understanding of the psycho-somatic meaning behind each gesture. Together we’ll take deep breaths, tap into our intuition, embrace our bodies' desires, and find a flow of energy within the body, ultimately becoming more aware of the connections between our physical and emotional experiences. By creating a safe and supportive space for exploration, this practice encourages participants to let go of preconceived ideas, expectations, and agendas, and instead allow their bodies to guide them toward a more authentic and fulfilling movement practice. In Intuitive Movement Lab, Kathryn brings together her training in dance, yoga, and meditation to create a space for anyone who is curious to move, likes to breathe, and become more embodied in dance and in life.