• FLOCK (map)
  • 2516 NW 29th Ave, #60
  • Portland, OR, 97210
  • United States

Alignment is a Felt Sense with Emily Jones

January 26th 9:30-11:30am, February 23rd 9:30-11:30am, March 23rd 9:30-11:30am

Suggested sliding scale: $20-30 drop in for single dates. $50- 90 for the entire series. NOTALOF. Please register in advance. 


I used this title for a class series in 2023, and I still contemplate the  title, so I’m up-cycling: old title, new material. I am thinking of alignment as a dynamic process of sensing into ourselves, being present to our environment, and cultivating capacity to shift, as needed, to attend to our own physicality, energy and emotional states. Alignment describes relationships, it is self determined, from within, rather than imposed externally. In each class I will offer theory, choreography and improvisation scores to try on. This class is inspired by the Axis Syllabus, and will include concepts from anatomy, biomechanics and physics. Movement motifs will include rolling, crawling, spiraling and traversing through space. This class is open to all levels. Please register in advanced by emailing Emily: ejones248@gmail.com

Graphic by Hannah Krafcik